协议版本:【1.5】; 发布/生效日期:【2022年12月06日】
上海徙牛信息科技有限公司为存知己寄存/存知己商家版/存知己寄存商家版的运营者,存知己(以下简称“我们”)尊重并保护所有使用服务用户(“您”)的个人隐私权。为了给您提供更准确服务,我们会按照本隐私权政策的规定使用和披露您的个人信息。我们将以高度的勤勉、审慎义务对待这些信息。除本隐私权政策另有规定外,在未征得您事先许可的情况下,我们不会将这些信息对外披露或向第三方提供。存知己会不时更新本隐私权政策。 您在同意存知己服务使用协议之时,即视为您已经同意本隐私权政策全部内容。本隐私权政策属于存知己服务使用协议不可分割的一部分。
一. 适用范围
1. 在您注册存知己帐号时,您根据存知己要求提供的个人注册信息;
2. 在您使用存知己网络服务,或访问存知己平台网页时,存知己自动接收并记录的您的浏览器和计算机上的信息,包括但不限于您的地理位置、设备信息(硬件型号、操作系统版本、设备配置、唯一设备标识符、国际移动设备身份码IMEI、SIM卡信息IMSI、iOS系统广告标识符(IDFA)、安卓系统广告标识符(OAID)、Android Id、设备Mac地址)、HarmonyOS(OAID/AAID/ODID/UUID)、IP地址、浏览器的类型、使用的语言、访问日期和时间、软硬件特征信息、已安装APP信息及您需求的网页记录;
3. 存知己通过合法途径从商业伙伴处取得的用户个人数据。
1. 您在使用存知己平台提供的搜索服务时输入的关键字信息;
2. 存知己收集到的您在存知己发布的有关信息数据,包括但不限于参与活动、成交信息及评价详情;
3. 违反法律规定或违反存知己规则行为及存知己已对您采取的措施。
二. 如何收集和使用您的个人信息
1. 帮助您成为我们的用户
2. 向您提供基于地理位置的信息展示
(1) 位置信息。当您通过系统授权开启移动设备的定位功能并使用基于位置提供的服务时,我们会收集合使用您的位置信息以便为您推荐周边的寄存点(例如您不需要手动切换城市即可自动跳转到您所在城市、为您提供导航到店功能等)。我们会使用有关技术获取您的位置信息,这些技术包括IP地址、GPS以及能够提供相关信息的WLAN(如Wi-Fi)接入点、蓝牙和基站等。您可以在移动设备的系统中关闭定位服务停止我们对您所在位置的收集,但可能无法使用我们基于地理位置为您提供的服务,或者无法达到相关服务的预期效果。
(2) 日志信息。当您使用我们提供的产品/服务时,我们会收集您的浏览、搜索、点击等信息作为有关网络日志进行保存,其中包括您的IP地址、浏览器类型、使用的语言、操作系统的版本、访问日期和时间、电信运营商、网络请求等。
3. 为您提供预定下单、订单管理功能
4. 为您提供评价功能
5. 帮助您完成支付
6. 为您提供客服服务
7. 为您提供安全保障
为了保障您的账号安全、交易安全以及系统运行安全,满足法律法规和我们的协议规则的相关要求,在您使用我们的产品/服务过程中,经您授权我们会获取您的设备信息,包括您使用的设备属性、连接和状态信息,例如设备型号、设备标识符(如IMEI/androidId/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID/OAID, SIM卡IMSI)、设备MAC地址、电信运营商、软硬件特征信息。
8. 为您提供入驻服务
9. 剪切板
三. 设备权限调用
设备权限 |
使用目的 |
是否询问 |
能否关闭 |
位置 |
用于向用户推荐周边寄存点、使用地图导航功能等 |
首次打开客户端时弹窗询问 |
是 |
相机/相册 |
用于拍照上传行李照片 |
用户主动拍照、上传图片时询问 |
是 |
四. 我们如何共享您的个人信息
SDK名称 |
第三方 |
第三方手机个人信息的目的 |
第三方收集个人信息的类型 |
隐私链接 |
高德地图SDK(com.amap、com.loc) |
高德软件有限公司 |
定位服务,用于推荐附近寄存点 |
设备信息(设备序列号、设备Mac地址、唯一设备标识符、BSSID、SSID)、位置信息、WLAN、软件安装列表、加速度传感器及其他传感器信息 |
隐私政策链接 |
微信SDK |
深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司 |
支付、信息分享,用于订单支付、内容分享至微信 |
个人常用设备信息、软件安装列表 |
隐私政策链接 |
支付宝支付SDK |
支付宝(中国)网络技术有限公司 |
支付,用于订单支付 |
个人常用设备信息 |
隐私政策链接 |
sentry.io |
Sentry |
用于记录、收集App崩溃日志 |
Android Id、软件安装列表 |
隐私政策链接 |
Google Ads SDK |
Google |
广告 |
无 |
隐私政策链接 |
OPPO推送 |
广东欢太科技有限公司 |
推送功能 |
设备标识信息(手机品牌、型号、系统版本) |
隐私政策链接 |
VIVO推送 |
维沃移动通信有限公司 |
推送功能 |
设备标识信息(手机品牌、型号、系统版本) |
隐私政策链接 |
小米推送 |
小米科技有限责任公司 |
推送功能 |
设备标识信息(手机品牌、型号、系统版本) |
隐私政策链接 |
华为推送 |
华为软件技术有限公司 |
推送功能 |
设备标识信息(手机品牌、型号、系统版本) |
隐私政策链接 |
荣耀推送 |
深圳荣耀软件技术有限公司 |
推送功能 |
设备标识信息(手机品牌、型号、系统版本) |
隐私政策链接 |
魅族推送 |
珠海星纪魅族信息技术有限公司 |
推送功能 |
设备标识信息(手机品牌、型号、系统版本) |
隐私政策链接 |
移动推送 |
杭州阿里云智能科技有限公司 |
推送功能 |
设备信息(包括操作系统、设备型号),IP ,运营商信息,网络信息,应用信息(包名、版本) |
隐私政策链接 |
五. 信息披露
1. 经您事先同意,向第三方披露;
2. 为提供您所要求的产品和服务,而必须和第三方分享您的个人信息;
3. 根据法律的有关规定,或者行政或司法机构的要求,向第三方或者行政、司法机构披露;
4. 如您出现违反中国有关法律、法规或者存知己服务协议或相关规则的情况,需要向第三方披露;
5. 如您是知识产权投诉人并已提起投诉,应被投诉人要求,向被投诉人披露,以便双方处理可能的权利纠纷;
6. 在存知己平台上创建的某一交易中,如交易任何一方履行或部分履行了交易义务并提出信息披露请求的,存知己有权决定向该用户提供其交易对方的联络方式等必要信息,以促成交易的完成或纠纷的解决。
7. 其它存知己根据法律、法规或者网站政策认为合适的披露。
六. 信息存储和交换
七. Cookie的使用
1. 在您未拒绝接受cookies的情况下,我们会在您的计算机上设定或取用cookies ,以便您能登录或使用依赖于cookies的存知己平台服务或功能。
2. 您有权选择接受或拒绝接受cookies。您可以通过修改浏览器设置的方式拒绝接受cookies。但如果您选择拒绝接受cookies,则您可能无法登录或使用依赖于cookies的存知己网络服务或功能。
3. 通过存知己所设cookies所取得的有关信息,将适用本政策。
八. 信息安全
1. 存知己帐号均有安全保护功能,请妥善保管您的用户名信息。存知己将通过对用户名进行加密等安全措施确保您的信息不丢失,不被滥用和变造。尽管有前述安全措施,但同时也请您注意在信息网络上不存在“完善的安全措施”。
2. 在使用存知己网络服务进行网上交易时,您不可避免的要向交易对方或潜在的交易对方披露自己的个人信息,如联络方式或者邮政地址。请您妥善保护自己的个人信息,仅在必要的情形下向他人提供。如您发现自己的个人信息泄密,尤其是存知己用户名发生泄露,请您立即联络存知己客服,以便我们采取相应措施。
九. 您如何管理您的个人信息
1. 改变您授权同意的范围或撤回授权
2. 注销账户
十. 本隐私政策的更改
1. 如果决定更改隐私政策,我们会在本政策中、本公司网站中以及我们认为适当的位置发布这些更改,以便您了解我们如何收集、使用您的个人信息,哪些人可以访问这些信息,以及在什么情况下我们会透露这些信息。
2. 本公司保留随时修改本政策的权利,因此请经常查看。如对本政策作出重大更改,本公司会通过网站通知的形式告知。
十一. 如何联系我们
1. 您可以通过存知己App、存知己公众号、存知己小程序上提供的在线客服与我们联系;
2. 您可以通过邮箱service@cunzj.com联系我们,我们将在15天内答复您的请求。
協定版本:【1.5】; 發佈/生效日期:【2022年12月06日】
上海徙牛資訊科技有限公司為存知己寄存/存知己商家版/存知己寄存商家版的運營者,存知己(以下簡稱“我們”)尊重並保護所有使用服務用戶(“您”)的個人隱私權。 為了給您提供更準確服務,我們會按照本隱私權政策的規定使用和披露您的個人資訊。 我們將以高度的勤勉、審慎義務對待這些資訊。 除本隱私權政策另有規定外,在未征得您事先許可的情况下,我們不會將這些資訊對外披露或向協力廠商提供。 存知己會不時更新本隱私權政策。 您在同意存知己服務使用協定之時,即視為您已經同意本隱私權政策全部內容。 本隱私權政策屬於存知己服務使用協定不可分割的一部分。
一. 適用範圍
1. 在您注册存知己帳號時,您根據存知己要求提供的個人註冊資訊;
2. 在您使用存知己網路服務,或訪問存知己平臺網頁時,存知己自動接收並記錄的您的瀏覽器和電腦上的資訊,包括但不限於您的地理位置、設備資訊(硬體型號、作業系統版本、設備配置、唯一設備識別字、國際移動設備身份碼IMEI、SIM卡資訊IMSI、iOS系統廣告識別字(IDFA)、安卓系統廣告識別字(OAID)、Android Id、設備Mac地址)、HarmonyOS(OAID/AAID/ODID/UUID)、IP地址、瀏覽器的類型、使用的語言、訪問日期和時間、軟硬體特徵資訊、已安裝APP資訊及您需求的網頁記錄;
3. 存知己通過合法途徑從商業夥伴處取得的用戶個人數據。
1. 您在使用存知己平臺提供的蒐索服務時輸入的關鍵字資訊;
2. 存知己收集到的您在存知己發佈的有關資訊數據,包括但不限於參與活動、成交資訊及評估詳情;
3. 違反法律規定或違反存知己規則行為及存知己已對您採取的措施。
二. 違反法律規定或違反存知己規則行為及存知己已對您採取的措施。
我們會遵循正當、合法、必要的原則,出於本政策所述的以下目的,收集和使用您在使用我們服務過程中主動提供或因需要使用我們產品/服務而產生的個人資訊。 如果我們要將您的個人資訊用於本政策未載明的其他目的,我們將以合理的管道向您告知,並在使用前再次征得您的同意。
1. 幫助您成為我們的用戶
當您注册及登入時,我們會收集您的【手機號碼】以便為您注册存知己帳號; 如您僅需要使用瀏覽、蒐索等功能,您無需註冊成為我們的用戶以及提供上述資訊。
2. 向您提供基於地理位置的資訊展示
(1) 位置資訊。 當您通過系統授權開啟移動設備的定位功能並使用基於位置提供的服務時,我們會收集合使用您的位置資訊以便為您推薦周邊的寄存點(位置資訊。 當您通過系統授權開啟移動設備的定位功能並使用基於位置提供的服務時,我們會收集合使用您的位置資訊以便為您推薦周邊的寄存點)。我們會使用有關科技獲取您的位置資訊,這些科技包括IP地址、GPS以及能够提供相關資訊的WLAN(如Wi-Fi)接入點、藍牙和基站等。您可以在移動設備的系統中關閉定位服務停止我們對您所在位置的收集,但可能無法使用我們基於地理位置為您提供的服務,或者無法達到相關服務的預期效果。
(2) 日誌資訊。當您使用我們提供的產品/服務時,我們會收集您的瀏覽、蒐索、點擊等資訊作為有關網路日誌進行保存,其中包括您的IP地址、瀏覽器類型、使用的語言、作業系統的版本、訪問日期和時間、電信運營商、網絡請求等。
3. 為您提供預定下單、訂單管理功能
4. 為您提供評估功能
5. 幫助您完成支付
您在存知己上進行訂單支付時,您可以選擇微信支付、支付寶支付所提供的服務進行支付。 我們需要收集您的訂單資訊、對賬資訊及其他法律要求的必要資訊並與這些合作機构共亯,以確認您的支付指令並幫助您完成支付。
6. 為您提供客服服務
當您與我們的客服取得聯系時,我們的系統可能會記錄您與客服之間的通訊記錄,以及使用您的帳號資訊以便核驗身份; 當您需要我們提供與您訂單相關的客戶服務時,我們可能會査詢您的相關訂單資訊以便給予您適當的幫助和處理; 當您需要客服協助您修改有關資訊(如寄存門店、寄存日期、寄存數量等)時,您可能還需要提供上述資訊外的其他資訊以便完成修改。
7. 為您提供安全保障
8. 為您提供入駐服務
9. 剪切板
我們不會主動讀取您的剪切板。 當您點擊複製按鈕時將地址資訊或訂單Id寫入到剪切板,以及點隱私呼叫時若呼叫失敗時將號碼寫入到剪切板,不會收集用戶隱私資訊。
三. 設備許可權調用
設備許可權 |
使用目的 |
是否詢問 |
能否關閉 |
位置 |
用於向用戶推薦周邊寄存點、使用地圖導航功能等 |
首次打開用戶端時彈窗詢問 |
是 |
相機/相册 |
用於拍照上傳行李照片 |
用戶主動拍照、上傳圖片時詢問 |
是 |
四. 我們如何共亯您的個人資訊
SDK名稱 |
協力廠商 |
協力廠商手機個人資訊的目的 |
協力廠商收集個人資訊的類型 |
隱私連結 |
高德地圖SDK(com.amap、com.loc) |
高德軟件有限公司 |
定位服務,用於推薦附近寄存點 |
設備資訊(設備序號、設備Mac地址、唯一設備識別字、BSSID、SSID)、位置資訊、 WLAN、 軟體安裝清單、加速度感測器及其他感測器資訊 |
隱私政策連結 |
微信SDK |
深圳市騰訊電腦系統有限公司 |
支付、資訊分享,用於訂單支付、內容分享至微信 |
個人常用設備資訊、軟體安裝清單 |
隱私政策連結 |
支付寶支付SDK |
支付寶(中國)網路技術有限公司 |
支付,用於訂單支付 |
個人常用設備資訊 |
隱私政策連結 |
sentry.io |
Sentry |
用於記錄、收集App崩潰日誌 |
Android Id、軟體安裝清單 |
隱私政策連結 |
Google Ads SDK |
Google |
廣告 |
無 |
隱私政策連結 |
OPPO推送 |
廣東歡太科技有限公司 |
推送功能 |
設備標識資訊(手機品牌、型號、系統版本) |
隱私政策連結 |
VIVO推送 |
維沃移動通信有限公司 |
推送功能 |
設備標識資訊(手機品牌、型號、系統版本) |
隱私政策連結 |
小米推送 |
小米科技有限責任公司 |
推送功能 |
設備標識資訊(手機品牌、型號、系統版本) |
隱私政策連結 |
華為推送 |
華為軟體技術有限公司 |
推送功能 |
設備標識資訊(手機品牌、型號、系統版本) |
隐私政策链接 |
榮耀推送 |
深圳榮耀軟體技術有限公司 |
推送功能 |
設備標識資訊(手機品牌、型號、系統版本) |
隐私政策链接 |
魅族推送 |
珠海星紀魅族資訊技術有限公司 |
推送功能 |
設備標識資訊(手機品牌、型號、系統版本) |
隐私政策链接 |
移動推送 |
杭州阿裡雲智慧科技有限公司 |
推送功能 |
設備資訊(包括作業系統、設備型號), IP , 運營商資訊,網絡資訊,應用資訊(包名、版本) |
隐私政策链接 |
請您知悉:該等共亯的合作方為數據控制者,其將以自己的名義獲得您的同意以及處理您的個人資訊。 合作方可能有其獨立的隱私政策和使用者服務協定,我們建議您閱讀並遵守合作方的使用者協定和隱私政策。如果您拒絕我們的合作方在提供服務時手機服務所必須的個人資訊,將可能導致您無法使用存知己提供的服務。
五. 資訊披露
1. 經您事先同意,向協力廠商披露;
2. 為提供您所要求的產品和服務,而必須和協力廠商分享您的個人資訊;
3. 根據法律的有關規定,或者行政或司法機构的要求,向協力廠商或者行政、司法機构披露;
4. 如您出現違反中國有關法律、法規或者存知己服務協定或相關規則的情况,需要向協力廠商披露;
5. 如您是適格的知識產權投訴人並已提起投訴,應被投訴人要求,向被投訴人披露,以便雙方處理可能的權利糾紛;
6. 在存知己平臺上創建的某一交易中,如交易任何一方履行或部分履行了交易義務並提出資訊披露請求的,存知己有權决定向該用戶提供其交易對方的聯絡方式等必要資訊,以促成交易的完成或糾紛的解决。
7. 其它存知己根據法律、法規或者網站政策認為合適的披露。
六. 資訊存儲和交換
七. Cookie的使用
1. 在您未拒絕接受cookies的情况下,我們會在您的電腦上設定或取用cookies,以便您能登入或使用依賴於cookies的存知己平臺服務或功能。
2. 您有權選擇接受或拒絕接受cookies。 您可以通過修改瀏覽器設定的管道拒絕接受cookies。 但如果您選擇拒絕接受cookies,則您可能無法登入或使用依賴於cookies的存知己網路服務或功能。
3. 通過存知己所設cookies所取得的有關資訊,將適用本政策。
八. 資訊安全
1. 存知己帳號均有安全保護功能,請妥善保管您的用戶名資訊。 存知己將通過對用戶名進行加密等安全措施確保您的資訊不遺失,不被濫用和變造。 儘管有前述安全措施,但同時也請您注意在資訊網路上不存在“完善的安全措施”。
2. 在使用存知己網路服務進行網上交易時,您不可避免的要向交易對方或潜在的交易對方披露自己的個人資訊,如聯絡方式或者郵政地址。 請您妥善保護自己的個人資訊,僅在必要的情形下向他人提供。 如您發現自己的個人資訊洩密,尤其是存知己用戶名發生洩露,請您立即聯絡存知己客服,以便我們採取相應措施。
九. 您如何管理您的個人資訊
1. 改變您授權同意的範圍或撤回授權
2. 註銷帳戶
十. 本隱私政策的更改
1. 如果决定更改隱私政策,我們會在本政策中、本公司網站中以及我們認為適當的位置發佈這些更改,以便您瞭解我們如何收集、使用您的個人資訊,哪些人可以訪問這些資訊,以及在什麼情况下我們會透露這些資訊。
2. 本公司保留隨時修改本政策的權利,囙此請經常查看。 如對本政策作出重大更改,本公司會通過網站通知的形式告知。
方披露自己的個人資訊,如聯絡方式或者郵政地址。 請您妥善保護自己的個人資訊,僅在必要的情形下向他人提供。 如您發現自己的個人資訊洩密,尤其是本應用用戶名及密碼發生洩露,請您立即聯絡存知己客服,以便我們採取相應措施。
十一. 如何聯繫我們
1. 您可以通過存知己App、存知己公眾號、存知己小程式上提供的線上客服與我們聯系
2. 您可以通過郵箱 service@cunzj.com 聯繫我們,我們將在15天內答覆您的請求。
BoFri Privacy Agreement
Protocol version: [1.5]; Release/Effective Date: [December 6, 2022]
Shanghai Xiniu Information Technology Co., Ltd. is the operator of BoFri Storage. BoFri (hereinafter referred to as "we") respects and protects the personal privacy rights of all service users ("you"). In order to provide you with more accurate services, we will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy. We will treat this information with high diligence and prudence. Unless otherwise specified in this privacy policy, we will not disclose or provide this information to third parties without your prior permission. Cunzhizi will update this privacy policy from time to time. When you agree to the use agreement of the Bofri service, it is deemed that you have agreed to all the contents of this privacy policy. This privacy policy is an integral part of the BoFri Service Usage Agreement.
1. Scope of application
1). When you register for a account, you provide the personal registration information required by BoFri;
2). When you use the BoFri network service or access the BoFri platform webpage, BoFri automatically receives and records information on your browser and computer, including but not limited to your geographic location, device information(hardware model, operating system version, device configuration, unique device identifier, international mobile device identity IMEI, SIM card information IMSI, iOS system advertising identifier (IDFA), Android system advertising identifier (OAID), Android Id, device Mac address), HarmonyOS (OAID/AID/ODID/UID), IP address, browser type, language used, access date and time, software and hardware feature information, installed APP information, and the webpage records you need;
3). Personal data of users obtained from business partners through legal means.
You understand and agree that the following information is not subject to this Privacy Policy:
1). The keyword information you entered when using the search service provided by the BoFri platform;
2). The relevant information and data collected by BoFri, including but not limited to participation in activities, transaction information, and evaluation details posted by BoFri;
3). Violation of legal provisions or violation of the rules of confidants, as well as the measures taken by confidants against you.
2. How to collect and use your personal information
We will follow the principles of legitimacy, legality, and necessity to collect and use our products that you voluntarily provide or need to use during the use of our services for the purposes described in this policy/personal information generated from services. If we want to use your personal information for purposes not specified in this policy, we will inform you in a reasonable manner and obtain your consent again before use.
1). Help you become our user
When you register and log in, we will collect your[Mobile phone number]In order to register a trusted account for you; If you only need to use browsing, search and other functions, you do not need to register as our user or provide the above information.
2). Provide you with location-based information display
In order to facilitate the provision of nearby storage points and search services to you, improve our service performance, efficiency, and functionality, with your authorization, we will collect relevant information generated during your use of our services, including:
(1) Location information. When you authorize the location function of your mobile device through the system and use location-based services, we will collect and use your location information to recommend nearby storage points for you(For example, you don't need to manually switch cities to automatically jump to your current city, and we provide navigation to your store). We will use relevant technologies to obtain your location information,These technologies include IP addresses, GPS, WLAN (such as Wi Fi) access points, Bluetooth, and base stations that can provide relevant information.You can turn off location services in the system of your mobile device to stop our collection of your location, but you may not be able to use the services we provide based on geographic location or achieve the expected results of related services.
(2) Log information.When you use the products/services we provide, we collect your browsing, search, click and other information as relevant network logs for storage, including your IP address, browser type, language used, operating system version, access date and time, telecommunications operator, network requests, etc.
3). We provide you with booking, ordering, and order management functions
Please provide your phone number, luggage quantity, storage date, and other information when placing an order on the storage platform.
You can take photos with your camera or select luggage photos from your photo album when storing luggage in the store.
In order to show you the order information of your account for your management of order information, we will collect the order information generated during your use of our services.
The orders generated on your WeChat account may contain sensitive information such as your phone number, itinerary information, luggage information, payment information, etc. Please be cautious when displaying or providing them to others,We will also display order information while ensuring its availability.
4). Provide you with evaluation function
When you actively evaluate the service of a merchant on BoFri, we will collect the information you post and display your nickname, avatar, and content.
5). Assist you in completing the payment
When you pay for an order, you can choose the services provided by WeChat payment and Alipay payment. We need to collect your order information, reconciliation information, and other necessary information required by law and share it with these cooperating institutions to confirm your payment instructions and assist you in completing the payment.
6). To provide you with customer service
When you contact our customer service, our system may record communication records between you and customer service, as well as use your account information for identity verification; When you require us to provide customer service related to your order, we may search for your relevant order information in order to provide you with appropriate assistance and processing; When you need customer service assistance to modify relevant information (such as storage store, storage date, storage quantity, etc.), you may also need to provide other information in addition to the above information to complete the modification.
7). To provide you with security protection
In order to ensure the security of your account, transactions, and system operation, and to meet the relevant requirements of laws, regulations, and our agreement rules, we will obtain your device information with your authorization during your use of our products/services, including the device attributes, connection, and status information you are using, such as device model, device identifier (such as IMEI/androidId/IDA/OPENUDID/GUID/OAID, SIM card IMSI), device MAC address, telecom operator, software and hardware feature information.
8). Provide you with entry services
When you voluntarily submit your【phone number】when applying to join on the WeChat account, we will contact you and handle the registration process for you.
9). ClipBoard
We will not actively read your clipboard. When you click the copy button, the address information or order ID is written to the clipboard, and when you click the privacy call, if the call fails, the number is written to the clipboard. User privacy information will not be collected.
3. Device permission call
To ensure the normal implementation of relevant business functions, we need to call the corresponding necessary permissions according to specific usage scenarios, and inquire with you before calling. The specific permission calling instructions are shown in the table below:
Device permissions |
purpose |
when to inquire |
Can it be closed |
Location |
Used to recommend nearby storage points to users, use map navigation functions, etc |
Pop up inquiry when opening the client for the first time |
Yes |
Camera/Album |
Used for taking photos and uploading luggage photos |
Users actively take photos and ask when uploading pictures |
Yes |
You can choose to disable some or all permissions in the device settings, which may result in the inability to implement corresponding business functions or achieve expected results
4. How do we share your personal information
We will share necessary data with third parties through application programming interfaces (APIs) and software development kits (SDKs). Different versions of third-party SDKs may vary, generally including third-party payment, map navigation, statistics, etc. We will strictly monitor the security of third parties and agree on data protection measures
Please refer to the table below for the identities of our third-party SDK partners, the purposes, methods, and scope of collecting personal information:
Third party |
The purpose of third-party mobile personal information |
Types of Personal Information Collected by Third Parties |
Privacy Link |
Gaode Map SDK(com.amap、com.loc) |
Gaode Software Co., Ltd |
Location service, used to recommend nearby storage points |
Device information (device serial number, device Mac address, unique device identifier, BSSID, SSID), location information WLAN、 Software installation list, accelerometer and other sensor information |
Official website link
Privacy Policy Link |
Wechat SDK |
Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd |
Payment and information sharing, used for order payment and content sharing on WeChat |
Personal commonly used device information and software installation list |
Official website link
隐私政策链接 |
Alipay payment SDK |
Alipay (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd |
Payment |
Personal commonly used device information |
Official website link
Privacy Policy Link |
sentry.io |
Sentry |
Used to record and collect app crash logs |
Android Id, software installation list |
Official website link
Privacy Policy Link |
Google Ads SDK |
Google |
ads |
none |
Official website link
Privacy Policy Link |
OPPO push |
Guangdong Huantai Technology Co., Ltd |
Push notifications |
Equipment identification information (mobile phone brand, model, system version) |
Official website link
Privacy Policy Link |
VIVO push |
Weiwo Mobile Communication Co., Ltd |
Push notifications |
Equipment identification information (mobile phone brand, model, system version) |
Official website link
Privacy Policy Link |
Xiaomi Push |
Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd |
Push notifications |
Equipment identification information (mobile phone brand, model, system version) |
Official website link
Privacy Policy Link |
Huawei Push |
Huawei Software Technology Co., Ltd |
Push notifications |
Equipment identification information (mobile phone brand, model, system version) |
Official website link
Privacy Policy Link |
Honor Push |
Shenzhen Honor Software Technology Co., Ltd |
Push notifications |
Equipment identification information (mobile phone brand, model, system version) |
Official website link
Privacy Policy Link |
Meizu Push |
Zhuhai Xingji Meizu Information Technology Co., Ltd |
Push notifications |
Equipment identification information (mobile phone brand, model, system version) |
Official website link
Privacy Policy Link |
Mobile Push |
Hangzhou Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd |
Push notifications |
Equipment identification information (mobile phone brand, model, system version),IP ,Operator information, network information, application information (package name, version) |
Official website link
Privacy Policy Link |
Please be informed that the sharing partner is the data controller, who will obtain your consent and process your personal information in their own name. The cooperating party may have its own independent privacy policy and user service agreement. We recommend that you read and comply with the cooperating party's user agreement and privacy policy.If you refuse the personal information necessary for our partners to provide mobile services, it may result in you being unable to use the services.
5. information disclosure
In the following circumstances, the confidant will disclose all or part of your personal information based on your personal wishes or legal provisions:
1). Disclosure to third parties with your prior consent;
2). To provide the products and services you request, it is necessary to share your personal information with third parties;
3). Disclosure to third parties or administrative or judicial institutions in accordance with relevant legal provisions or requirements of administrative or judicial institutions;
4). If you violate relevant Chinese laws, regulations, or BoFri agreements or rules, you need to disclose them to third parties;
5). If you are an intellectual property complainant and have filed a complaint, you should disclose it to the respondent at their request, so that both parties can handle possible rights disputes;
6). In a transaction created on the Cunxin platform, if either party fulfills or partially fulfills the transaction obligations and requests information disclosure, BoFri has the right to decide to provide the user with necessary information such as the contact information of the counterparty to facilitate the completion of the transaction or the resolution of disputes.
7). Other confidential information may be disclosed as deemed appropriate by laws, regulations, or website policies.
6. Information storage and exchange
The information and materials collected by BoFri regarding you will be stored on the servers of BoFri and/or its affiliated companies. These information and materials may be transmitted to your country, region, or overseas where BoFri collects information and materials, and accessed, stored, and displayed overseas.
7. The use of cookies
1). If you do not refuse to accept cookies, we will set or access cookies on your computer so that you can log in or use the services that rely on cookies.
2). You have the right to choose to accept or refuse to accept cookies. You can refuse to accept cookies by modifying your browser settings. But if you choose to refuse to accept cookies, you may not be able to log in or use trusted network services or features that rely on cookies.
3). The relevant information obtained through cookies set by the user will be subject to this policy.
8. information safety
1). BoFri accounts have security protection functions, please keep your username information safe. BoFri will ensure that your information is not lost, abused, or altered through security measures such as encrypting your username. Despite the aforementioned security measures, please also note that there are no "comprehensive security measures" on the information network.
2). When conducting online transactions using the BoFri network service, it is inevitable for you to disclose your personal information, such as contact information or postal address, to the counterparty or potential counterparty. Please protect your personal information properly and only provide it to others when necessary. If you discover that your personal information has been leaked, especially the username, please contact the trusted account customer service immediately so that we can take appropriate measures.
9. How do you manage your personal information
1). Change the scope of your authorization or revoke your authorization
You can change the scope of consent or revoke your authorization by disabling device permissions in the system.
Please understand that after you perform the above actions, we will no longer be able to provide you with the services corresponding to revoking consent or authorization.
2). Cancel account
You have the right to cancel your deposit account. You can perform online operations through "My" - "Settings" - "About" - "Cancel Account" on the service deposit account app page.For the relevant rules and procedures for account cancellation, please refer to the "User Cancellation Agreement" on the cancellation page.
10. Changes to this Privacy Policy
1). If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post these changes in this policy, on our company website, and where we deem appropriate, so that you understand how we collect and use your personal information, who can access this information, and under what circumstances we may disclose this information.
2). Our company reserves the right to modify this policy at any time, so please check it regularly. If there are significant changes to this policy, the company will notify through the website.
Fang discloses his personal information, such as contact information or postal address. Please protect your personal information properly and only provide it to others when necessary. If you discover that your personal information has been leaked, especially the username and password of this application, please contact our customer service immediately so that we can take appropriate measures.
11. How to contact us
You can contact us through the following ways:
1). You can contact us through online customer service provided on the BoFri App, Cunzhiji official account and Cunzhiji mini program
2). You can contact us through email service@cunzj.com Contact us and we will respond to your request within 15 days